Jens Friends hike, family wearing yellow T-shirts, community

Community Support

We are proud to be a part of this community and to support the nonprofit organizations that make living in the Mt. Washington Valley so special. Since 1988, our monetary gifts have exceeded more than $1 million to support organizations both large and small that enrich and enhance life in the North Conway area.

Giving Criteria

Settlers Green is located in North Conway, New Hampshire. While we generally give to our area community first, we sometimes extend our outreach to Western Maine, Eastern Vermont and Boston area, depending on the cause.

  1. Our donation priorities include local schools and kids programs, nonprofits and community events.
  2. All donations and sponsorships are at the sole discretion of OVP Management, Inc.
  3. All donations are given only to qualified 501(3)c organizations.
  4. We limit donations to any one group. If we have donated to your organization within the past 12 months, you are not eligible until a one year anniversary has passed.
  5. We do not donate to churches, political organizations or private individuals.

Please note that we are overwhelmed with requests and our resources are limited. If we cannot help you now, please try again later in the year when we may have more funds available.

Submit A Request

Donation requests should be sent to our marketing director, Laura Lemieux, by emailing or by mail to 2 Common Court Unit C13 North Conway, NH 03860. Please include a cover letter that includes information about your organization and fundraiser along with a donation form.

Laura Foundation

Proud Supporter of Community Events

We are proud to be a long-term supporters of several community-based fundraisers and events.

Kiwanis Club of the Mt. Washington Valley
Gibson Center for Senior Services
A.C.T.S. - Assistance Canine Training Services
Starting Point Services for Victims of Domestic & Sexual Violence
Memorial Hospital
Mt. Washington Observatory
The Laura Foundation
Jen's Friends Cancer Foundation

So much more to explore...

Immerse yourselves with arts, culture, delicious local flavor and a beautiful mountain setting. Settlers Green is an adventure the entire family will love!

Granite Mother


From public gardens and art, to a community labyrinth, there’s so much to discover.

Learn More
BS Soup Beer Brussels


Savor delicious food and drinks from one-of-a-kind local menus.

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