Take a moment to relax with a visit to our Community Labyrinth, located at Settlers Green Streetside next to Barley & Salt Tap House and Kitchen.
What is a labyrinth?
A labyrinth is a meandering path, often unicursal, with a singular path leading to a center. They originate from over 4000 years ago to ancient Greece.
About the Design
The Dot Seybold Community Labyrinth is a Classical labyrinth built to honor Dot Seybold, long-time general manager, whom retired in 2020 after 31 years of leadership. The labyrinth was designed to include granite benches, a circle of arborvitae trees around the brickwork, and bollard lighting for nighttime enjoyment. The space exudes intimacy and is considered a place for thinking, reflecting, and relaxing. The four granite benches surrounding the labyrinth are each inscribed with a word including Devote, Innovate, Empower and Honor. These words were chosen carefully by our staff. We felt they reflected the workmanship of Dot, who devoted time to important community nonprofits and causes, and helped lead Settlers Green in quality and innovation of the retail experience.
Facts about our Community Labyrinth
- It is 30 feet in diameter and includes 8 circuits, meaning there are 8 path lengths from the center to the outside.
- The journey to the center and back is 927 feet, or just under two-tenths of a mile
- The ideal walk capacity is 8-12 walkers at a time.
- There are left and right handed labyrinths; ours is a left handed labyrinth. About two-thirds of all modern Classical labyrinths are left handed.
Considerations for Walking The Path
- The path through the labyrinth constitutes the longest possible way to arrive at the center. It is important not to hurry the experience, but to submit to its structure and discipline.
- Pass others by stepping to the side and around them. Similarly, step around others walking in the opposite directions.
- This path is an opportunity for meditation. Walk its circuitous route mindfully.
So much more to explore...
Immerse yourselves with arts, culture, delicious local flavor and a beautiful mountain setting. Settlers Green is an adventure the entire family will love!

From public gardens and art, to a community labyrinth, there’s so much to discover.
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