Hary Lichtman Mt Washington Pano Web

North Conway

Welcome to Settlers Green, a destination for tax-free shopping, everyday essentials, and endless activities in North Conway at the footsteps of the White Mountains. North Conway is situated in a valley surrounded by mountain views including Mt. Washington, the highest peak in the northeast. Because of this, the area is often referred to as the Mt. Washington Valley.

Man driving, woman reading a map, roadtrip

Road Trip Itinerary

Just under three hours from Boston and one hour from Portland, Maine, it is easy to take a quick road trip to Settlers Green and enjoy a night away. Download our summer Road Trip Itineraries for great ideas.

Family Time Road Trip Itinerary
Kid Free Weekend Road Trip Itinerary
Solo Exploration Road Trip Itinerary

For more season-based trip itineraries, we recommend listings created by the White Mountain Attractions Association.

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Scenic Drives

There are plenty of scenic drives throughout the area including the Kancamagus Highway, Crawford Notch State Park and Pinkham Notch.

White Mountains Region Scenic Drives
Lakes Region Scenic Drives
NH Covered Bridge Tour

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Adventure Guide

North Conway is a four-season resort town with great options for adventure. Check out our Adventure Guide for tips on summer and winter attractions.

Local Travel Resources